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A Rhonda Hamilton Policy Position Statement on Transportation:
The expansion of America’s industry, commerce, and its economy depends upon its transportation system. America cannot maintain its position as a world leader in industry and commerce unless all modes of transportation are able to meet the demanding challenges of the future.
Airport congestion around most major cities is not only a growing problem, but an ever increasing danger. We face a major railroad crisis, and citizens in many urban areas are unable to travel short distances without delays due to congested highway traffic. Our merchant marine fleet has dwindled and our shipbuilding industry suffers today. This not only affects our economy, but is a serious handicap to America’s military might.
The Interstate Highway System is one of America’s wisest investments, in my opinion. Every effort must be made to speed up construction on existing plans, and farsighted planning of additional facilities must be accomplished. The Interstate Highway System must be expanded, adding new routes between population centers. Extra attention should also be given to constructing additional freeways in and around congested urban areas, which would allow for the expansion of commerce, and the economy, but also for matters of highway safety.
Thousands of Americans lose their lives each year on the nation’s highways. Most of these deaths are unnecessary. With proper highway planning, stricter enforcement of highway laws, and intensified driver education, along with proper safety devices provided on automobiles, we will be able to cut these needless, and unfortunate traffic fatalities to a small fraction.
To solve Washingtonians transportation problems requires ingenuity and planning.
A Rhonda Hamilton Administration therefore favors:
- The development of a modern, low-cost domestic mass transportation system within our congested urban areas;
- Development of more trolly, and electric passenger trains between Ward areas;
- An emergency program carried out cooperatively by the federal government, and the airline industry to develop adequate methods of controlling air congestion, and for financing and improving airport facilities;
- Assessing existing and proposed bicycle lane assignments to assure increased rider safety, and appropriate community engagement and support.
Public safety, and convenience demand that we engage in a vast program to improve many of the local road and highway networks. Highway construction is financed by those persons using the highways, and is one of the few federal programs that happens to be self-financed, which amounts to a capital investment of public funds, and this I greatly favor.
A Rhonda Hamilton Administration will encourage development within the transportation industry of organizations, who are specialists in the movement of passenger, and cargo from point to point. Using all modes, and means of transportation, we will encourage healthy competition between such agencies and organizations.