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“My” Why
“I AM DC”, I love this city, by city, I mean all 131 communities which help to form the 8 Wards in the District of Columbia. We’ve all seen many changes taking place in this Nation’s Capital, even hosting the Leader of the Free World, and the many Lawmakers who make decisions on how our great country should be governed. The Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Department of Energy, The Treasury Building, Embassies, and a host of other governmental entities that enact/enforce policies and set guidelines for our Nation on how States should govern their people.
We are (DC), a city with taxation and with no representation. The most influential and talked about city in the world yet there is a wide gap between government (local, federal), and its residents. Decisions are being made by politicians who are not necessarily from DC but are themselves temporarily residents who only fulfilled mandated requirements of residency, and do not understand the culture of “DC”.
The Problem
Washingtonians are left with communities filled by residents with a myriad of issues, such as high unemployment rates, crime, unequal access, lack of enforcement of passed legislation, lack of affordable housing, and systems of government that do not have its residents in mind. Do you want change or more of the same?
“I AM DC”, says “Rhonda Hamilton, and the communities of DC have been “crying out” for change. “Enough is enough”!
Born and raised in Washington, DC, yes, I am running for DC Mayor as an Independent to raise the level of concern and oversight for matters that have proven to be detrimental, and harmful for District families who are not empowered to understand or believe, that government for the people and by the people should and can work for people such as themselves. Washingtonians who are humbly raising families on modest means with limited resources, unstable living environments, and in too many cases, without access to resources and economic growth that should readily be made available for them as well.
As an Independent I believe that the issues that plague our DC communities are not Republican nor Democrat issues, nor are they Green Party or any other political affiliated party’s problems, but a misunderstanding and mismanagement of the residents of DC. Matters of humanity are not and should not be based on one’s political affiliation.
I am running for Mayor because there is no misunderstanding or confused messaging from the communities’ or folks who say they do not want more of the same rhetoric, or broken promises, indicating that they (politicians & not advocates for the people) hear the voices of the people. As a mental health advocate, I have been engaged in fighting for the rights of all people in Washington, DC from affordable housing, employment, public safety, equal access, and youth reform standards to fair and equal pay, as well as education advocacy just to name a few. I listen daily to the families, and youth who share their horror stories of how the system continues to fail DC residents, how seniors are being neglected, and now many are experiencing homelessness as a result of big development and building that does not include their well-being or economic growth. As an advocate, immediate decisions concerning the proper care of our citizens must be made, hence I am running because “I AM DC” and the people of DC said that they want true change and not more of the same.
Day 1
On Day one after being elected as Mayor of Washington, DC I will immediately call for the District of Columbia’s government, Council, and the previous Mayor’s administration and systems to be audited to determine the level of competency and or corruption upon which funding decisions have been and will be made on behalf of our “struggling” and unhealthy District citizens.
The Other Days – Overhauling the Overall Systems
I will implement Task Force Committees on a number of pertinent issues that have not been designed with direct community involvement in mind such as: Healthcare Disparities, Equal Pay for All, Established Retirement Pay for DC Government Workers, Laws passed without enforcement (All Things Sustainable), and Infectious Diseases among black and brown families, which represented approximately 80% of coronavirus deaths in the city. African Americans living in D.C. are continually faced with daily & constant exposure to high levels of “toxic” stress brought on by heavy gun violence and systemic campaigns of physical, emotional, & mental terrorism disguised in the form of inadequate policies, policing, and programming with the absence of culturally appropriate mental health & trauma representations on the community level.
Community Listening Advocates
As a community and mental health advocate, firsthand listening to the repeated calls for justice by other community advocates, health professionals, and vested stakeholders who are vehemently ignored daily by the current mayoral administration, the choice of the people is clear, no more of the same big business but community inclusion.
Misunderstanding the Problem and Cultural
The current administration’s unconscionable and lopsided approaches at providing “common sense” compassionate lawmaking for its most vulnerable citizens proves to be a “re-victimization” of the trauma that has so many falling prey to substance abuse (OPIOID etc.) usage as well as other forms of mental illness realities.
I want to implement comprehensive facilities of higher quality, standards, and care which must become the “new norm” for our District residents. The cycles of despair coupled with the evident existence of job scarcity, lack of sustainable housing, food deserts, & other documented contributory social determinants of health are damaging the resolve and ending the lives of many District citizens as calls for “social and economic justice” continue across the nation.
What I want to do on Day 3
I will put an end to the last 8 years of policies and economic growth that have not impacted all DC residents and that have blocked Access for far too many. Many DC children are going to sleep every night under fire and fear, not knowing what tomorrow will bring hoping that somehow their living conditions and environments will “magically” improve. More of the same will not work!
On Day 4
I intend to hold elected officials accountable for the proper well-being and its funding efforts on behalf of those that are among the very “least” of us. It is time to hold the public officials accountable and to a higher standard of responsibility for our Washingtonians. I will establish a task force with community residents to explore why more than 100,000 D.C. citizens have admitted to experiencing some form of depression or anxiety, prior to COVID-19, and during COVID-19 without the comprehensive mental and social resources that are needed. Upon receiving the task force’s recommendations, I will act to ensure that District residents receive adequate and higher standards of care in their living, working, school, and community environments.
Day 5
The misunderstanding and mismanagement of the residents of DC is very evident and unfortunate. Elected officials have been governing with no accountability, as well as being unable to be checked by the very people that they were elected to protect and serve. District residents deserve appropriate health care services, adequate social, and economic resources to help address their true familial needs and to help immediately eliminate the gaps in the healthcare disparities that will remain unaddressed with this current administration.
I will help to eradicate the systemic stigma that hinders our elected leaders from offering proper care and advocacy to disenfranchised families. The District of Columbia’s current leadership is failing an entire population of children, seniors, and residents by not properly caring for the community around them.
I am Rhonda Hamilton, and I approve this message.