Transparency | Accountability | Integrity | Service

- Mission Statement
To operate in a manner consisting of Mission, Vision, and Shared (Core) Values that promotes transparency, accountability, integrity, and public Service.
- Mission Objective
Under the administration of Rhonda Hamilton, the District of Columbia will operate in a manner consisting of Mission, Vision, and Shared (Core) Value Statements so that every DC elected official, public employee and DC resident understands the expectations of each entity (Department) and is assured that DC leadership will operate with transparency, accountability, and integrity with a united goal to Move DC residents Forward.
- Governance
As stewards of the District of Columbia’s assets, we will begin with a new DC leadership that will govern in a way that enhances the public’s value and produces a sense of community, while also seeking to earn each resident’s trust.
- Vision Statement
As public officials & stewards of the District of Columbia, DC leadership will be required to work collaboratively across all business units to create optimum efficiency, decrease wasteful spending, ensure public safety, and display in our service a value for the residents that we serve.