Medicare Policy

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Medicare Policy

A Rhonda Hamilton Policy Position Statement on Medicare: 

It is the obligation of a responsible government to help people who are unable to help themselves. There should be adequate medical assistance available to the aged and those unable to afford treatment. This can best be achieved through a partnership between federal, state governments, and private enterprise. 

Medicare should be improved. It should be strengthened in conjunction with medical care provided at state and local governmental levels, and by private insurance. Through sound fiscal management we set as a goal the following improvements in Medicare:

  1.  Relief for persons unable to pay deductible expenses under Medicare.
  2.  Relief for persons unable to have expenses deducted from their Social Security income, such as the monthly fees charged for physician services coverage under Medicare.
  3.  Providing for uninterrupted nursing home care for those with chronic illnesses, as such care is required and becomes necessary.
  4.  Recommendations for low-cost insurance programs for the elderly.
  5.  Incentives that will assist local communities, churches, and nonprofit organizations with building accredited care facilities, nursing homes, clinics as well as medical and nursing schools, to advance health equity for the elderly and citizens of the District.

In this land of plenty, no one should be denied adequate medical care due to their financial condition.

It is the Rhonda Hamilton administration’s belief that those assisted by the Medicare program should have better selection and input regarding the medical and hospital services furnished to them.  Additionally, simplification in the administration of this program would prove of benefit to the government, patient, and the professional practitioner alike.

Rhonda Hamilton’s administration stands solidly for freedom of choice.  It will be the intent of this administration to assure that medical care programs be carried out without subjecting the patient, professional personnel, and hospital administrators to unfriendly or cumbersome processes, which has been of concern since the implementation of the Medicare program.

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